Come for a Visit!

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We would love to see you!

We are located in the tiny town of New Braintree, MA part way between Worcester and the Quabbin. We are on a large acreage that is constantly being decorated, added to, improved, built on and accessorized by both June and her husband Bobby.

The Bakeshop is open by appointment, but frequently June is busy creating delicious treats, so drop-in visits are welcome. There are always cookies of the season on the shelves and the smell of baking in the air.

Cakes, cupcakes and special treats can be ordered by appointment. We can sit down and go over your plans or you can call us or send your ideas to us via email. We ask for at least a two week lead-time for any occasion and more during the holidays.

Please contact us with any questions or to schedule your appointment for a scrumptious consultation!

June’s Bakeshop
135 Pierce Rd.
New Braintree, MA 01531
